Card of the Day – Weekend Edition – Nov 15-17, 2013

Fortune BeastSeven of Pentaclesnautiz2

Oh my, now this is an interesting mix for the weekend ahead especially in terms of Current Events!  We now go from rather cosmic speculations about Liberation and Magic too much more focused and down to earth matters like MONEY and FORTUNES.

First we have the Fortune Card – which while it can be about other sorts of fortune (anything from spiritual growth to the “fortunes” of war) right now I think this is about the most typical meaning of the card in a Current Events Reading – Great Fortunes/Big Money/Big Finance/Inherited Wealth/Big Business and Big Economics.   I also think there are hints of some of the other meanings of the card here as well, including that of the “Winds of Fortune” or Fate – there is also an aspect of Treasure seeking to this card.  In a positive role, this is The Seeker going forwards towards enlightenment and understanding (or even the average person doing what they can to take care of themselves and earn their “fortune”) but I am not sure this card is in a positive aspect today.

That’s because of the second card, which is the Beast.  The Beast Card represents all those horrible, nasty, violent, aggressive, explosive, lustful, vengeful and just downright nasty Beasts that we all have deep inside us, but most of us learn to regulate on a personal level after we leave early childhood.  While adults vary a great deal in how well they accomplish this task, even relatively unsocial people tend to recognize that throwing an emotional tantrum in the grocery store is  not likely to get them what they want; unlike the two-year old screaming to Mommy that he must have the sugar-coated crunchy box RIGHT NOW—WAAAAAA!

On an international and Current Events scale, the Beast combined with Fortune is not positive combination and indicates fights or at least envy, lust and anger over Money/Fortunes/Economics/Resources etc.   It isn’t necessarily outright war on a gun-slinging battle field, though it can be; but it is certainly not a safe, quiet or calm situation either.  I get an image of livid executives, red-faced in boardrooms and screaming at their minions in frustration about something.

This could be the result of some actual situation in “World Fortunes” that is already happening on the ground, something they are concerned about or something that is being planned but whatever it is – the Fortunes of The Beast have now engaged and it is likely to be a bumpy ride.

Even our Cat’s Eye Tarot Card today is about Money – It is the Seven of Pentacles Kitty – The Seven of Pentacles Kitty is a feral kitty who is in the process of learning to trust and evaluate the pros and cons of becoming domesticated and enjoying a food bowl.  He really appreciates the food dish and when the lady has opened the door before and turns on the light, he knows she will be putting one out for him but it is still early days and he isn’t sure about this new contract between human and cat.  He’s going to have to make a choice: shall he accept the easier life offered by the food dish and the warm house and if he does, what price shall he pay for the warmth and food?

This card usually symbolizes a cross-roads, a time to access and perhaps re-access a program or plan of action towards meeting a goal (aka Seeking your Fortune) but if things are not going as you hoped, it maybe time to switch gears and try a different track or at least really evaluate what you are doing.  This is a time to pause, take a breath and plan the next move forward, because it is a time when you may need to make an adjustment in order to continue to progress (or in the case of the kitty give up a totally free life style in exchange for warmth, love, light and food in a regular dish).

The final entry into this rather intense group of cards is also intense that is the rune Nauthiz, which means NEED or NEED FIRE.  This is the rune of desperation, the rune of using two sticks together to make a fire, the most primitive and difficult way to do so.  By the time of the runes, people were already pretty good with flint and steel, men tended to carry them about on their belts so they could make fire on a moments notice; in contrast rubbing two sticks together means going back in time and working very hard for something that normally would be relatively easy.

But fire, next to water and food is a basic human need without which food can not be cooked, water can not be boiled and in extreme cold people can die without.

This rune combined with The Fortunes at Stake, The Raging Beast, The Re-evaluation of the Seven of Pentacles suggests a GREAT NEED in the worlds of finance/money/fortunes etc probably for a change in direction, re-think or even restart of something.

Unfortunately, because of the Beast Energy, some of these decisions are likely to be based on emotional reactions (including fear) rather than real, thought out and rational reasoning.

However the Need Fire can be a lot of things, with desperation being high on that list so this could also indicate and increasingly grave desperation in terms of that need to make a change, especially in the face of the Angry Beast.

Now the most obvious way I see this energy expressing today is again in North America with the anger over their Health Care Program which is now pitting the forces of the Insurance Industry against a “request” by a President combined with a furious congress and an upset public.  There is certainly a desperate need there for a rethink and perhaps change of direction, this weekend looks to be very interesting in that regard.

I do think this energy is likely to spill over into other areas though, I’m sensing a serious unease, worry and probably growing desperation on the part of the world economic moving and shakers in terms of their being able to keep “The Beast” (aka the current “too big to fail” world of funny money/phantom products/vaporware debt etc) in check and their fortunes intact.

This may be a time period when THEY are taking stock and deciding what prices they are willing to pay for their continued participation in The Beast and it won’t surprise me if a number of individuals or even corporations decide to cash in their chips and get out of the game this weekend (or begin plans to do so).

The energy will also likely spread beyond the areas of just finances and economics, anytime you have the Beast Card you have the threat of violence (real and symbolic) arguments, upsets and above all emotional rather than rational responses to anything.

That applies to individuals as well as current events – so this is a good weekend to concentrate on making sure your fortunes are not threatened by unreasoning behavior and make sure your decisions are based on real needs and now the demands of your inner two-year old.

Card of the Day – Wednesday – Sept 18, 2013

Sage nautiz2

Today’s Card is The Sage and the rune-stave is Nautiz (need/desperation) and together they present a pretty clear message that on this side of the water might be called “stating the bleeding obvious.”

That would be: There is a great need for Wisdom and/or Wise People in the world right now.

However, even more than just that start and obvious message; the Sage card does provide  a small glimmer of hope that someone(s) may be able to help the world cope with The Beast this week by being aware that energy is around and by seeking to divert, calm or destroy it.

Any and all of those tactics might be in order in different locations depending on how the energy is manifesting.

On the other hand, such “Wisdom/Sage Advice” may be limited in numbers because the Need fire rune – the rune of the most ancient way of making fire (rubbing two sticks together) really demonstrates a truly desperate need for such interventions – and Sages tend to be long on logic and short of diversionary skills.  With the Beast logic and rational argument gets you know where; because this is a time when emotions are ruling the day in many ways.

Of course individuals can choose to use their OWN wisdom, rational thinking and planning to make their own “needful” choices and I think this combination is really good for the average person for that reason.

Realizing that people are more likely to react emotionally first and then think later; puts “wise folks” in the position of knowing that someone “needs” to keep their head and that can be you.

What simply won’t work is expecting everyone around you to do the same, because they probably won’t.

Look for news stories today about Wise Men (or women), think tanks, desperate situations (like Mexico, the US South West, Japan etc), charities, science discoveries, innovations (especially those that meet a need), anything nuclear (two sticks rubbed together to make fire/atoms crash to make power or bombs) and a lot of attempts in some places to try to figure out just exactly what is going on.

This need for Wisdom suggests that it is just possible that some of it will come forth today and that is a very good thing.  But the Need Fire rune worries me as well, especially because of its nuclear associations but also because this could be about economic or legal matters as well as natural/man-made disaster responses.

It is also possible that today marks a another pivot point mid-week where the energies could change to something a bit more rational and we can hope this is the case.

But over-all I just get the sense of a “desperate need for wisdom” …lets hope some manifests before the day is over.

Card of the Day – Monday – May 20, 2013


*Note the link to the Weekly Audio Reading download will be posted on the Home Page of this website as soon a TMRN Radio Network has a chance to upload it, probably sometime today.

Today’s card is Friendship and the rune stave is Nauthiz (need/need-fire/desperation).

Now that’s a very interesting combination and suggests that on a Current Events level the Geopolitical aspects of the “Star” and “Puzzle” cards featured in this week’s projected audio reading may be taking center stage, at least for the next 24 hours.  We do continue to see more active physical manifestations of the Star/Sky/Look at Below energy in the forms of tornadoes (and bad storms), continued solar flares, more media news about near-Earth asteroids and even the International Space Station.

But today (and to a lesser degree this working-week) is likely to see some strong issues that involve Peoples/Tribes/Nations and today their focus is on Friendships/treaties/alliances etc or with the Nauthiz rune (Need fire/Desperate Need) their not-so-friendly relationships with each other.

This week is likely to be a time when some countries/corporations/organizations/agencies etc, are going to be in desperate need of some help from their friends and may or may not receive it.

While Friendship is a good card over-all, there is always the aspect of the fourth “friend” whose hand we see on the card and who may or may not be about to join the others at the table.

We don’t really know if this person is a friend or not, or even if they are if they will upset that careful balance formed by the alliance of the three friends who are already tightly seated at the table.

This is the sense I am getting off this card today on a Current-Events level, something or someone(s) may be about to upset the apple cart and something or someone(s) (probably not the trouble-maker) is likely to desperately need some help from one of the others.

I think this may be flagging a larger event on the horizon, something that could even be the first (or second) steps towards something very serious such as resignations, legal issues, conspiracy or even actual battles and warfare.

Whatever it is, it has the potential to destabilize an existing friendship or treaty network and great need (or possibly suffering) may result from this.

Also, I have to point out that my husband the rune-master associates the Nauthiz Rune with the spark of the nuclear explosions that happen naturally in stars but are directed by man for use in the creation of power generation as well as destructive weapons.

I’m not going to go so far as to say that this week, we are going to see a manifestation of any of these three forms of nuclear sparks in a destructive form but the energy is there (especially with the Star Card and the Puzzle) that might make such an event easier to take place (including a solar flare, nuclear accident or even nuclear weapons which surely would affect the “friendships” between various nations).

Lets hope the sticks rubbing together that form the ancient need-fire are not this sort of spark, or if it is, it is a helpful manifestation like progress in safer forms of nuclear energy production or radiation in medical treatment.

That said, I have a real feeling that even if we miss-out on the more drastic forms of need-fire, there is still a lot of potential for the alliances and blocks of various national entities to look rather different from the way they do right now – perhaps by the end of the week or because energies can take a while to settle, may be put in motion this week but then expressed over the next weeks or months.

This may be true in the world of business, finance, media and other areas as well – look for corporate mergers (or break-ups) banking centers to merge and shift, media outlets to reorganize etc…with a special eye to financial centers like London, New York, Singapore, Dubai etc. not sure why but feel they are all places to “watch” especially with the idea of friendship (or unfriendship) and need/desperation in mind.  This may or may not have something to do with gold/silver or other forms of cash/stocks/bonds etc, but I just feel something niggling there.

Meanwhile, for individuals we can translate this another way:

Friends need friends especially in needful or desperate times…

Yes, unlike the last two weeks where the energy was all pretty much focused on the home, the cave, hiding, taking care of those under your own roof; this week’s energy points towards the inclusion of friends (especially close friends) and your friendship network as a way to cope with emotional, physical and spiritual needs during the joys and trials of the week to come.

This week it is in those you trust and get along with who are going to be your best source of comfort and inspiration, so instead of just sticking inside your personal cave it is time to get out at least a bit and visit other caves and perhaps even central hearths (like the pub in the picture which UK and Irish readers will recognize as the “Corner Local”) where good friends can meet, share a “pint” to celebrate and perhaps even unload a bit on each other; but in general help hold each other up in all sorts of emotional and even physical ways.

The Nauthiz rune does suggest a week when a lot of people are going to be feeling rather stressed, desperation, needy and worried; but the recommended coping method this week is not just to stay home with a bowl of comfort food but to get out a bit and share some of it with your best friend.

So, while we have some very worrying aspects of this reading in terms of international relationships, for personal ones it looks like this is a week to stand on old friendships as well as make a few new ones.

So, a rather more out-ward/active focused week than the last two or three; still within a small circle (rather than racing around in the outer world) but at least expanded a bit from the personal hearth and home.

That’s today’s reading, if you would like a personal reading you can get information by clicking here!


Card of the Day – Thursday – May 2, 2013

Fool Gebo2

Today’s Cards are the Fool and the rune is Gebo (Gift/Marriage/Partnership)

This is a very unusual combination for the Middle of the Week because The Fool card almost always indicates the start of a new journey or enterprise while the Gebo rune suggests a that it is likely to be new gift or partnership of some-sort.

We have already had so much “new-new, I mean really new” energy the last couple of weeks it is hard to imagine anymore, but here it is and this time it seems to be “gifted” which could be a situation of benefit, perhaps something that actually helps people out while dealing with the over-all themes of new/wild/uncontrolled/needy energy we’ve been seeing lately.

The Fool card does mean starting a new journey/job/experience/situation but it also means innocence which again is neither good nor bad but can cause problems because of a lack of awareness of threats.

We have seen this energy before in this ongoing energy period, and I am sensing a certain amount of this here as well.  The Fool is a young man, bright-eyed, excited and ready to get out into the world but he’s so busy making his own music (or doing his own “thing”) that he may be totally unaware that he’s about to walk into a tree or over the nearby cliff.

The Gebo Rune is actually one of the really sexy runes of the furthark, and is still the Marriage word in a number of Northern Languages.

I even have a “rune-card” deck that depicts this rune as two human figures engaged in the act of intercourse; bringing out both the passion and the creative aspects of this rune – human sexual interaction is needed for the making of babies.  It is also required that humans engage in other forms of “intercourse” (social, economic, political, spiritual etc) in order to create Families/Peoples/Tribes/Nations Civilizations.

So one way to read this is:

The Current Energy Pattern could be the New Start for the Partnerships of Mankind!

Which will be an absolutely wonderful prediction if the focus is on a clear, positive, loving, celebratory of union (marriage).

However, the New Partnership could also be ugly, frightening and destructive if the focus turns to ugliness, control, domination of others (an abusive marriage/a Foolish one).

I think there are a lot of wild energies out there right now, especially at this May Day time period that are driving this “New Partnership” forward (yes May Day was yesterday but the creative/passionate/partnership energies will bleed over for some time, especially in the Northern parts of the world).

The potentials for both positive and negative versions of this energy I think will be very strong for the coming time period, not just today but going well into next week.

Distraction is also something to watch out for during this time, both the rather fun (but sometimes dangerous) sort we experience when falling in love and there is nothing else on the planet but our own person story and that of our beloved; and the really nasty sort where we feel so overwhelmed by things moving so quickly that we just focus inward on ourselves/personal stuff and ignore the growing danger (a “partnership” of avoidance).

On a Current Events level look for stories about everything from distractions like the marriages (and divorces) of the famous/infamous to corporate mergers and public-private “partnerships.”

Look for “new” attempts to “re-arrange” the contract between the individual and the State as well as between States and the Central Governments (or in the case of places like the EU – Countries and their Central Partnership).

This is likely to bleed over into the realm of finance and banking with some “foolish” partnerships and mergers “going forward” no matter what (others may look like a good idea but are not fully explored, or exposed).

For individual people, this energy is period (and into the next week) is likely to continue to be personally powerful, creative, a bit fast-moving and engaging.  Both the Season and the Energy lends itself to new or re-energized partnerships (including romantic ones) and a certain sense of being “light on your feet.”

Just be careful of unequal partnerships or those with more passion than sense – that includes things like economic contracts or purchases just as much as is does when making hot dates on your singles forum.

The Creative Drive behind Gebo brings us fire, life, fertility and art but it can also burn when the sticks slip and they become unequally matched.  Then, instead of Gebo, we get the rune Nauthiz (need fire/desperation) that we’ve already seen in the recent time period.

Celebrate the equal joining of Gebo and the New Energy of the Fool; but avoid the unequal pairing of Nauthiz – one is a union of joy, the other of despairing need and inequality.

Card of the Day – Weekend Edition – Nov 16-18, 2012

Today’s reading is later than expected because, while the cards and rune were pulled five hours or so ago, an unexpected computer issue caused the computer to crash and the information to be lost.  While I am not an astrologer, I understand that the planet Mercury is in retrograde (going backwards in the charts) and that computer problems and issues with communications are common.

I mention this because to the Romans, Odin was considered to be connected to Mercury the Messenger, unlike the 19th century (and the later Middle Ages) when Odin was more associated with a sort of King of the Gods, like Zeus.  Actually he seems to have been able to handle both roles while being not exactly like either of the Greek or Roman Divinities in question.  However, Odin’s oldest aspect was almost certainly that of God of Death as well as God of Communications and Wisdom.

Why am I bringing this up? Because this weekend’s reading is a bit longer than usual, as two cards jumped out together at the end and one of them is in fact The Death Card.  I had a strong feeling after the computer incident (and a few other personal ones) that made this a very “Mercury in Retrograde” sort of day; that there might be a double “message” here.  The Norse did not have anything like Astrology that we know of, but it is interesting that the Romans tried to associate Odin the Death God with Mercury and today we have Mercury in retrograde as a major astrological influence and the Death card.

Let’s go back and look at the rest of the reading to see how those images might connect to each other.

First the cards in the reading – basic meanings:

The Puzzle – A decision that MUST be made. It can not be avoided, it can not be worked around; it WILL happen.  Refusing to make a decision will still be a decision.

The Libido – Sexuality, Life Force, Living Color, Dominance Fighting, Snake in the Grass, Competition for females or goods.

The Beast – the deep, dark, furious emotions that everyone has inside, such as anger, rage, jealousy, and fear.  The Beast can also sometimes be a person or even a country as well as pure, unleashed and unbound energy.

Death – Actual Death, Final Ending of a Situation, Re-birth, Karma, The Mound, Silence, Rebirth

Rune Stave:

Nauthiz – Need Fire/Desperation

So, from a current events point of view we have a Decision that must be made, most likely this weekend or very shortly there-after.  It will affect the very force of life (aka people living) and may also affect human sexuality and/or could be partly involved with “male competition and display behavior” (aka fighting to attract attention).

There are some very deep, very dark and very angry emotions that surround this situation.  There may be actions taken that stem from the depths of wounding anger and fear, combined with a complete loss of mental, moral, or emotional control.

Death is the likely outcome and companion of these actions – these two cards were stuck together and so reinforce each other.  The Beast brings Death, the Beast probably stands for the emotions leading to actions taken but could also be embodied in a person or nation(s).

Finally the Need Fire/Desperation suggests there could be issues of great need, desperation, cries for help, lighting of signal fires (real or spiritual), longing for rescue, attempts at rescue, refugees etc.

To me the most obvious reading of these cards is that this weekend a decision is likely in the Middle East, to either pull back or to escalate the fighting there.  This does not HAVE to happen, there is a decision and whenever there is a decision point people/leaders/nations have choices.

However, at about 1pm GMT today when I pulled these cards and rune; the choices seemed to be leaning towards: Display/Conflict/Angry Emotional Response/Death/Great Need/Desperation.

The cards here are not picking sides, I suspect that if the wrong choice is made that all parties will suffer from the Roar of the Beast and the Flames of the Need Fire.

This ties to Odin/Wotan both as The Messenger and as The God of Death – because War is his Third Major Aspect.

There is also more than a hint that there is a severe danger that a Mercury in Retrograde or even Odin-Inspired mix-up or problem with communications/computers/technology of some sort may be the direct or indirect decision that creates the Great Need.

While there is a chance (which is to be fervently hoped for) that a different Decision will be made this weekend, the energies will make that more difficult at this point in time.

As always this energy is likely to spill over into other areas, situations (both international and personal) so this weekend is a time to be wary, cautious, careful and thoughtful.  Above all, try to base your decisions on practical, well thought out planning rather than gut-level emotional reactions.  Even if your gut is usually correct, this is a weekend to go ahead and let your mind meditate upon the decision before acting.  Most important of all, avoid decisions based in anger, fear or a desire to strike back at others; instead step back, breath and reconsider your further course.

Finally, the positive side of the Nauthiz rune is an opportunity for giving back and helping those in need.  This is a great weekend for charity and helpful actions of all kinds, many of which may serve to soothe the raging energies of the Beast that surround us.  In fact, giving back to others and responding with kindness may be pretty much the only way to force the energies into a calmer pattern; at least in one’s personal life if not for the whole planet.