Card of the Day – Weekend Edition – April 13-15, 2012

This Weekend’s Cards are: The Cave, The Castle Tower and The Message; the Rune is Thurisaz (Giants/Thorn/Axe).

The Cave card is usually the card for personal withdrawing (stepping away from a situation), Depression (both mental and economic) and hiding.  It is usually a “Blue” Card (as in having the blue’s or blahs) but it has a positive aspect in that sometimes a strategic retreat is the right move to make, at least until the current crises blows over.

However, this can also be simply a stress reaction to, to many things hitting a person/tribe/nation all at once and causing everyone to just want to go hide out in their cave.  When that happens, important issues can be ignored or missed until they get totally out of hand.

The Castle Tower card is NOT the Tower of Destruction found in most Tarot Decks; instead it is the Mighty Fortress on the Hill, a protected place of high walls and strong defenses.  A quick look at the cards will show the one problem with this card: there is no door or drawbridge that we can see.

Hopefully they are just out of view, but this picture cautions us not to build defenses so strong that we trap ourselves within them.  In this, the card is a mirror to the Cave card because both the Cave and the Castle can be either places of refuge or places of self-imprisonment; it just depends on how they are employed (and the viewpoint of the person(s) dwelling in them).

The Message Card is usually a signifier of the cards that went before it as in: This IS The MESSAGE – pay attention.

The Thurisaz rune is rather “prickly” rune, which in the Anglo-Saxon rune staves was even referred to as “The Thorn.”

The most common translation is “Giants,” (or primordial and powerful forces) some of whom like human beings as a species, but most either could care less about them or are actively hostile to them.

Such “personifications” of Giants as tornadoes, rock slides, ice storms and volcanoes are good examples of this – a volcano does not hate people, it just isn’t involved with humans at all; it can however destroy humans in an eruption or supply them with rich volcanic soil for agriculture.  In reality it probably does some of both, being neither good or bad in and of itself, it provides both bounty and terror at different times.

There are also some painful sexual over-tones to this rune, again it its more “prickly” aspects, an ancient poem refers to the “sorrow of women” when it is present.

I almost always get a picture in my mind of a thorn-bush about to intercept a child’s balloon when I see Thurisaz, and I always wonder whose bubble is about to be “popped?”

Taken together, this reading suggests that this weekend the world/western world’s energy is going to be in lock down and hide mode.

This could be caused by a number of factors, an actual economic Depression (Cave) could cause people/nations to consider tariffs or other means to isolated themselves from other nations (this could include internal moves within the EU as well).

There could be a sense of external threat (war, disruptions) that suggests a clamoring for building mightier fortresses or military protection.

There may be frightening weather issues like wild winds, or storms that cause people to need to take cover (hide below ground) or Earthquakes that cause people to want to hide themselves from the shocks (or solar flares etc).

My strongest sense is that this is either economic or a realization that individuals need protection from fallout/issues from Japan and elsewhere.  It is very likely some of both, with the moves towards economic protectionism being a large chunk of the energy.

There will be a sort of collective move to protect one’s “own” family/tribe/nation as opposed to a desire to help everyone (or the planet as a whole).  This is because of the feeling of “threat” and “gloom” that is sinking into a lot of people and places. 

While things are not nearly as hopeless as they make at the moment, the energy is there this weekend to see the worst and run away!

For individuals, this provides a weekend when home-based activities are best and home-improvement projects (shoring up your castle) is likely to be rewarded.

Just try to avoid letting your Man/Women Cave become a trap instead of a place to recharge your batteries.  Remember to leave some doors and drawbridges in your personal wards, so that others who love you can come and visit.  Don’t forget to look out the widows and the mouth of the cave once in a while, because you may really need to know what is going outside your own personal realm.

This weekend really is a time period for “passive” energies, with the exception of putting up wards and shoring up defenses (or repairing your roof) it is not a good time for active or outward focused activities.

A really good day for inner-spiritual work if you don’t get too self-focused to the point of despair, if you feel that coming on stop meditation and move into doing something material that re-connects you with the world.

This is a good weekend for taking care of the home front, your family and yourself. 

That is your cards and rune for the weekend, remember you can get your cards and runes read today or any day by getting a personal reading.

For information on ordering your reading, click here!



Card of the Day – Thursday – March 22, 2012

Today’s Card is Fortune and the Rune of the Day is Wunjo (Joy/Clan Banner).

This is an unexpectedly good combination  of card and rune-stave, especially given the over all energy of the week, which indicated a huge possibility of money and currency problems.

While this reading seems to be in direct opposition to the over-all energy of the week; I think what it is actually saying is that something occurring late this week will bring great joy and good fortune to a certain group of people.

There is a hint into who those people are, in the Wunjo rune stave; because in addition to most common translation as Joy; this also symbolizes the Clan Banner or the Family Flag.

I think this is very important here and I’m being drawn to the concept of Old Fortunes/Old Families experiencing Joy this weekend. 

I believe this is because many of those coming from the older seats of money and power feel that something is happening now (perhaps even being manipulated?) that will preserve their personal wealth and fortunes, no matter what happens to everyone else.

This may or may not actually be the case in the long-term, but the energy is certainly there today for such families/tribes/clans to pull this off for today.

Also, Fortune means more than just money, it is about the winding pathways (back and forth) that govern the seeking of treasure/wealth/rewards as a life path.  For the adept (or wise person) this treasure is spiritual instead of (or at least in addition to) physical gold, silver or cash.

So, this card may also indicate that the way is clear for seeking both sorts of “old” treasure – the type that is material and that which is in the spiritual realms as well.

For headlines today,  look for unusual contracts, treaties or stories about currencies; also a good day for a stock market rise (although it is very hard to know just what is “best” for the Old Money Crowd), also events like bank mergers, huge corporate deals, tax havens or even international “agreements” about certain types of wealth/currency/money issues.

There may also be just “human interest” types of stories today that dwell on fortunes, old money, royalty, blood-lines etc.  Anything that brings up the very old, the very posh and the deeply wealthy; including marriages and award ceremonies.

Now, the really good news is, not only the “old money” people can play with this energy on a day like this.  Everyone can pay attention to this sudden (if perhaps brief) twist in the energies towards prosperity, fortune and joy.  This is a great day to get your finances taken care of, buy an (inexpensive) lottery ticket, spend a gift certificate or work towards long-term goals and plans (fortunes).

Unlike the last few days, THIS is the day during this time period when you can safely sign contracts, manage agreements, enter partnerships and enjoy interaction with your fellow human beings.  You still need to be very careful, because the over-all energies for this time period are rather dark when it comes to money, wealth and long-term partnerships – but for today, we get a bit of a reprieve, which individuals can use to their full advantage.

Also, today is a wonderful day to experience “joy” with friends and family; celebrating the “good fortune” of having such people in our lives.  An old rune poem talks about “Man is the Joy of Man” in reference to the Manaaz (Man) rune-stave,  which is  made of two Wujo rune-staves put together.

The Elder Folk seem to have know where true joy and wealth come from; and chose a double-joy rune to symbolize human love and interaction.

So, enjoy today as much as possible and try not to fret about what the “Old Money” is doing, unless you are a high-level banker or member of such a “tribe” yourself, there is going to be very little you can do about it anyway.

Instead, use the same energy to add joy and happiness to your own life – remember Fortune is also a spiritual state of being – so work on organizing your personal treasure hoard with meditation and some special time with those you love best.

That is your card and rune for today, remember you can get your cards and runes today or any day by getting a reading.

For information on ordering your reading, click here!


Card of the Day – Wednesday – March 21, 2012

* Special Note: For a review of this week’s special “cards of the week” that included a mention of the French school children being a possible “revenge” attack being reported in this morning’s headlines – click here.

Today‘s card is The Prison and the Rune of the Day is Thurisaz (Giant/hammer/Thor/Thorn/Natural Forces/Protection/Violence).

While not exactly a cheerful combination of energies, today’s card and rune stave do fit in with the general energies flowing in from yesterday’s Liar Card and Jera rune combination. 

The Liar Card indicates that something is false, hidden or not as it seems; The Prison card indicates a trap, which is where the energy of the Liar Card can often lead.

So something/someones are entrapped on imprisoned in a situation and something very powerful, painful and possibly out-of-control helped put them there.

The Thurisaz rune stave is probably a key here, but  it can mean a number of different things depending on context and in a short reading it isn’t exactly clear which direction the entrapment is coming from.

I don’t sense this rune is its protective aspect, though I do have to mention that it may be there, but as protection with a strong fist. 

The idea of a “Strong Man brings Peace to the Realm” is coming to mind – so this may be an indication of a military take over or other sort of “protection” being used as an excuse to “trap” Peoples/tribe/nations.

Again, this is an over-all energy today, not a direct prediction for any country in particular – but I do usually read mostly for the West/Western world so I feel this is somewhat of a warning.

On a personal level be careful of contracts or even work situations where you allow yourself to be “taken prisoner” in exchange for a “safe” situation.

The other way that this rune-stave may be acting (and certainly was in the picture yesterday) is with natural forces such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, storms, avalanches, floods or any other out-of-control but natural (non-human force).  The Giants in Norse Cosmology usually include personifications of these types of events; some giants are friendly to mankind, many more are neutral and a few downright hate the human race.

The God Thor – Lord of Lightning and Storms, likes some Giants well enough that he married one; but others (especially those that are a threat to people) he likes to smash with his hammer which is also symbolized by this rune stave.  Thor is a bit like a giant himself, being a force of nature, and there may be lesson here in how to get out of Prison.

This rune and card combination have hints that when mighty forces are used to entrap and imprison individuals/Peoples/Tribes/Nations; it may sometimes be necessary to seek Divine Help and Strong Forces to set them free. 

This is a good day for looking for guidance and strength from the Divine in whatever form you perceive the Creator(s) to be and not trying to rely on your own might alone to get through tight situations.  Not that we don’t also take action, just that especially if you are feeling trapped it won’t hurt to  practice meditation and seek out advice from your higher-self, guides or other helpers.

Today is probably another day not to try new projects if you can avoid them, signing legal contracts or making serious commitments of any-sort.

The tendency to get trapped or hammered is very high today – but not quite as “false” as yesterday was.  If you must start new employment or sign papers on a house today, make sure you know EXACTLY what you are signing; even getting outside professional advice (protection) which is always a good idea, but especially important in an energy period like this one.

Given this week’s over-all card reading, I would also be on the look out for financial traps on the Macro (world/western world economies) level and the personal (bank accounts, investments, bills) levels.

This whole week is loaded with energies towards things spinning out-of-control and possibly money troubles.

Be for-warned and stay away from this mess as much as you can, at least until the dust settles; take care of your own and your family’s needs as best you can and don’t worry about making larger commitments until things are better settled seems to be the way forward and to avoid The Prison that may be  “on the cards” for many this week.

Remember in a week where “Revenge” seems to be  a major theme that “living well is in fact the very best Revenge” a person can have in times like these. 

Take care, keep you pennies in a jar and stay safe!

That’s your card and rune of the day, remember you can get your cards or runes read today or any day by getting a reading.

For information on having a reading, click here!

Card of the Day – Monday January 30, 2012

Today’s card is the Body and the rune is Berkano, this is an interesting combination, though once again the cards and runes seem to work together to give us a better picture of today’s main energies.

The Body card, often jokingly called “The Creepy Card” by some of my friends and clients, is a representation of the Human Body as if it were in an old medical test.  Part of the body is shown intact and the rest of it show various internal veins, muscles etc; this symbolizes the physical human being on all levels and can be a card for physical health (or health problems).  It is also a card that signals that a problem or situation is very much in the material world and very likely has a physical cause or element attributed to it.

In a world/western world energy reading, it suggests that the energies are ripe today for things/issues/events that affect the human body/human being directly in a very physical way.  This could be anything from economic news that impacts people’s health/food intake/well-being to natural forces that act on humans directly.  This would also be a day when surprise medical news headlines are very likely both good and bad; again the energies are signaling an impact but not necessarily of what type.

Our rune, Berkano (Birch Tree) suggests that some of the news is likely to be positive because its primary meaning is Birth or New Beginnings.  That suggests a possible new discovery or part of a new cycle that may affect people directly (which could be good or bad depending on what it is).  However, Birch Trees also have strong Death and Re-birth connections and these trees are still often planted in European grave yards.

Thankfully, they are also associated with Spring because in the North lands one of the first signs of warming weather is the budding of the Birch Trees.  They also provide a sap that is used very much like Maple Syrup in North America to sweeten food and help provide life and joy, in an age when honey was pretty much the only other sweetener.

My reading of these energies today is mixed, I do feel that  some very good news may be coming out of the medical world – a new discovery or hints of one and/or something that actually improves agricultural or farming practices in a truly helpful way.

But I’m also getting ties back to our continuing economic/war saga that seems to have strings hanging about everywhere.  In that sense I read this as “bodies” (people) are going to be directly by something new that is being brought into being.  My immediate thoughts go to the “new” EU “agreement” being cooked up an “finalized” this week in Brussels but that could be simply because some of those issues came up so strongly last week.  Especially the idea that Germany was likely to over-step its bounds in a big way, which it did with the official news that they wanted Greece to accept EU (aka German) oversight of their finances, on late Thursday-early Friday.

No matter what is decided it is likely to create a “new” situation in the sense that uncharted waters are now being entered and no one knows exactly how events will move forward.

There are also distant hints about the continuing problems in Japan and perhaps other areas affected by natural and man-made disasters.  This is a fainter tug than the other issues, but it certainly is there.

This card may or may not signal another complete energy cycle change, but it does suggest something with a powerful impact of human life and health is in the offing soon very soon.

For individuals a good day to take care of your health, go to the gym, play active sports and games; start new projects, revere nature and enjoy the coming of Spring if you are fall enough South to do so.

And stay tune for the rest of the week’s cards and runes, I suspect they will be quite interesting…

That’s you card (and rune) of the day, remember you can get your cards or runes today or any day by getting a personal reading.

For information on ordering a reading, click here!